Thursday, April 16, 2009

#37: Genius Squad

Genius Squad is the follow-up to Evil Genius, the last book that I reviewed. It begins with Cadel in foster care. The Australian government doesn't know what to do with him because there is no record of his birth or existence. Cadel has little to occupy his time because since he doesn't officially exist, no legitimate university will allow him to enroll. He spends much of his time visiting with his friend Sonja. He also has two adults looking out for him: social worker Fiona and police officer Saul Greeniaus.

Cadel, along with Sonja are offered an escape from their foster homes. They are offered spots on Genius Squad, an elite group for intelligent and troubled kids. As members of Genius Squad, they will be provided with housing and cared for. They will also be working to bring down GenoME, the company created by Dr. Darkkon. Cadel decides to join Genius Squad along with Sonja because he thinks that situation will lead to her receiving a higher level of care.

Cadel is happy with his new mission because he gets to show off his skills with computers working toward what he feels is a good cause. However, he has to stay on his feet after his nemesis, Prosper English, escapes from prison. As he gets more deeply involved in the plot to bring down GenoME, he realizes that Genius Squad might not be everything he hoped for.

Genius Squad was enjoyable, but not quite as much as Evil Genius. One of the things I enjoyed about the first one was the villains, and the ones in this book were fewer. There were also some aspects of the story that were a little too predictable. Still, I will be waiting for the third book in the series to come out.

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