Sunday, May 24, 2009

#38: Stuff White People Like

Stuff White People Like by Christian Lander is based on the website of the same name. If you have never visited the site before, it is a satire of things enjoyed by white people (obviously) such as ugly sweaters and Priuses. The site makes a distinction between the right kind of white people who enjoy all of the things listed and the wrong type, who basically drink too much beer, drive pickups and watch Nascar.

The book was amusing, although much of its content is available on the website. It is divided into short articles, so I could pick it up and read a couple at a time when I had a few minutes free. The author writes this as an observer of white people, describing their habits and what someone would need to do to fit into a group of them. For example, in describing microbreweries, he says, "White people don’t like stuff that’s easy to acquire. Beer is no exception." So if you want to figure out why white people enjoy Apple products or David Sedaris, this is an enjoyable, quick summer read.

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